No Night Too Dark

My beloved sisters (and brothers too),

It can feel like you have been abandoned to a night that will never end. This does not have to be so. No night is so dark you cannot be found once again and brought back to life.

You matter. You are worthy of love and respect. And even if you think "Meh, I'm just one star in a sky full of them, who's going to care about me?", God (however you understand God) sees you and knows you - and your situation. God is right there with you in your dark place, weeping for you. Not in a helpless hand-wringing way, but with deep grief over the pain you are experiencing, gently mending you with each tear, and holding each one that falls from your eyes.

You are so very loved,


Just in case: 24/7 U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline, voice: 800-799-7233, text: “START” to 88788

Photo: Klemen Vrankar, for Unsplash


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