
My friend, in the midst of all that is your life, I wish for you determination to stand tall even when rain hammers you down, courage to trust that the storm will not last forever, and warmheartedness to let it ennoble and not embitter you.

Breathe. New life is possible. It may all seem dark right now, but the sun will come again, and you will be there for its rising. You will. God is all about life and aliveness, yours included.

Stand in the truth of your belovedness, for that is who you are: Beloved.

May you find shelter where you need it most.


"Chai" means "Life" in Hebrew. This Wish Fish is made of many layers of different leaves, just as life is many-layered. A broad, leafy tree is welcome shelter in the heat of summer, and also in a downpour. In AAPI culture, fish often symbolize abundance, or as a friend said, "May you always have leftovers.". In the Wish Fish collection, that abundance takes the form of a wish for you, the viewer.

Just in case: 24/7 U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline, voice: 800-799-7233, text: “START” to 88788


Safer (?) Silence


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