“For All We Have Lost” - Tabiji Eggshell Retreat for grief
The more I offer these retreats, the more I see the sacredness of the work of grieving, and of my place in helping create a space where we can touch into it gently with beauty.
“I was surprised that beauty was able to emerge amidst darkness and brokenness.”
“I found connection between my emotions and painting them out. I felt my grief and the tears came. It was beautiful. When we painted the gold I felt like I was crowning my pain with honor.”
What are you grieving? Get in touch about retreat booking for your organization, group, family, friends…or just for yourself.
Make a tax-deductible contribution to fund art supplies for these retreats. Click the button below to donate online or mail your check to: EBCLA, 1255 San Gabriel Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770. Please write "Arts/Tabiji" in the memo.
Donate to create retreat scholarships as a gift to those who are grieving. (These donations are not tax-deductible - yet.)