
Cool, clear, and sunny - my favorite kind of LA day! The sky was a bright, electric blue and this single cloud caught my attention. I watched it creep across the sky for a while. And then a while longer. And longer still.

Heading northeast, its shape was in constant motion as the winds carried it forward, way up high beyond my reach. Some parts fanned out and faded off behind, others swept and turned, rearranging themselves again and again into various softnesses and densities. An ongoing visual transformation was unfolding right before my eyes. A slow, poetic dance, framed against the backdrop of a brilliant sky. The world rushed by as I stood in wonder.

There was an invitation for me as I watched - can I allow the wind of spirit to move me around in life, reshaping me as we go? The cloud doesn’t know what form it will take or where it’s going. There’s no itinerary. No plan (that I can see). It just goes, and that is enough. Can that be enough for me too? Can I find joy in simply being in the blue sky and trusting the process? Can I be okay not knowing?

Who knows what might stir within when we notice the sky? The invitation to deeper reflection can be found anywhere.


Hope and Life


“For All We Have Lost” - Tabiji Eggshell Retreat for grief