The Mend Project

The Mend Project is a rich resource. You, my Soul Shelter friends, need to know about them. Whether you are in an abusive relationship yourself, recovering from one, if you are trying to help someone who is, or if you’re a first responder, you will find concrete information and wise counsel there. The article above is just one of many helpful articles in their blog. The Mend Project educates, equips and restores. Dig in.

Information is your friend, dear ones. Take a look, even if it’s just a small peek. And please do so safely. Public library computers or a computer at a friend’s home are good bets. There are too many ways to be tracked without your knowledge, even if you don’t think it’s happening. Be wise. Be safe. Know that you are beloved by the God who sings blessing over you, even as you sleep. You are worthy of love and belonging. This is what’s truest about who you are.

Stand strong,


24/7 U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline, voice: 800-799-7233, text: “START” to 88788




With You