
Title: “Peace: Advent”, Part of the Tabiji Eggshell collection. “Tabiji” means “journey through” in Japanese.

Media: eggshell, acrylic paint, thread

Side view

Beloved Soul Shelter friends,

Peace can be elusive in an emotionally abusive situation. Circumstances work against allowing any sort of ease, and even when the abuser isn’t present, our minds can keep on spinning, bracing, thinking hard and fast about how to stay safe. It can really wear us down.

It’s into this place that I would like to offer a simple prayer practice. It’s been a helpful way for me to invite God’s peace - or to find it once again when I lose my balance (We all lose our balance from time to time, at different degrees. No shame. You are a human being in a very tough situation. Where you’re at is completely understandable.). Come with me…

  • Find a quiet place to sit where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and breathe slowly. Notice what moves as you breathe. Go slowly.

  • Extend your hands, elbows bent/palms up, in front of you.

  • In one hand, imagine you are holding compassion. In the other imagine you are holding kindness. Breathe a few deep breaths there. Take your time.

  • Place one palm over the other and bring your hands to your heart. As you breathe, imagine you are breathing in compassion and kindness - for you. For beloved you, who deserves compassion and kindness. All for you. Just for you. Receive.

  • Make small gentle circles with your hands, like you would tenderly rub a puppy’s tummy or a baby’s back. You deserve to be treated gently and tenderly. Let your own hands bring you this loving touch.

  • Keep breathing in compassion and kindness as long as you need to. You are worthy of it. Completely worthy of it. God loves you, respects you, and values you more than you can even begin to imagine.

Be kind to yourself today, even as you grieve that the one pledged to love you most cannot, or will not, extend kindness to you.

Peace is bright, rugged stuff. When life feels like one long night, we can also be most acutely aware of the presence of Peace in that place. Maybe it’s the contrast that makes it so beautiful. Or our own longing for it.

This second week of Advent, I wish for you real peace, anchored deep in your spirit where it will always be yours.

God’s peace is your strength,


Just in case: 24/7 U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline, voice: 800-799-7233, text: “START” to 88788



