
For everyone who's ever felt like they aren't. I qualify. Maybe you do too?

Never too much

always enough

you are

I am

we are

God says

so there

©2024 Wendy Lew Toda

My Soul Shelter friends...if you're navigating an emotionally abusive situation, that "not enough" message coming at you is most likely quite loud and persistent. It can be hard to hold onto a realistic view of yourself and the good of who you are in the face of such messaging. Abuse has an insidious way of eating away at our value as a person. You do NOT deserve to be treated with contempt and disdain! Habitual destruction of another person is diametrically opposed to God’s mandate to love one another.

You are worthy of love and respect. Of kindness and care. God's got your back because you belong and are beloved! That is what is truest about who you are. Stand tall in that! You can even try practicing in the mirror - “I am the beloved of the most high God”! Maybe even stick your chin out a little and have some attitude about it. Full permission here!

There is a wide ocean of good for you, bigger and better than you can even begin to imagine. For you! Learning to hold on to who God says you are is like standing at the water’s edge and letting the waves gently wash over your feet again and again and again. Remember…remember who you are: Beloved of the most high God.

Standing with you,


Image: Elia Clerici, for Unsplash



