Emotional Dust

Dear Soul Shelter friends,

Two Mondays ago, I was almost run down in two different crosswalks. This was only a few days after the mass shooting in my city. Even though the truck turning left into the crosswalk stopped only a few feet from me, I felt zero emotion and only thought, “Hm, I guess it’s not my time to go.” before continuing on my way. So strange. And it's also a familiar feeling. Maybe you can relate?

Whatever you might be feeling or not feeling, please be kind to yourself there. Go slow. Look for the clear, dust-free spaces where you can find room to think. Be with people who don't throw dust around. Praying your skies will clear enough for you to see where you are so you can make your way forward safely.

The dust does not define you. You are God's beloved child, worthy of love and respect. Always.

Go gently,


Just in case: 24/7 U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline, voice: 800-799-7233, text: “START” to 88788


Where does grief find you?


A Wonder