Motif 3: Release, p. 7
This is a poem best read while standing (safely) at the edge of some kind of threshold - a doorway, a curb…or while bouncing gently up and down at the end of a diving board. What edge of life do you stand at in this moment? What is inviting your “yes”?
Test the breeze
then I freeze
toes grip the edge
of mystery
yet not
here I am
notice the new
resonate through
the bones
of me
in me
beyond me
sacred echo
of the One
who knows
who sees
what can be
for all tomorrows
sky beckons
if I wait
till I am ready
I’ll never go
let it be
run towards
all that is unfurling
release from
release to
the yes
catch the wind
it is
in the going
that I become.
When we think of being released, we often think of it as being released from something. I would offer that we can also be released to something, or into something. Perhaps there is also a sequence to it - that we are released from something so we can then be released to something?
May you be released from patterns of living that harm and destroy, and be released into new ways of being that bring life, health and wholeness.