Practicing the Slow

Fasting from hurry; feasting on slowness: my practice of Lent this year :)

Life is moving at breakneck speed in ever-changing directions, with little regard for the human impact of chaos-driven harm. Slowness is protection - a pace that resources us for staying centered and grounded, giving us time to think clearly, and space to choose our responses wisely. Wishing steady shelter for you in the midst of the places where you feel spun around.

If you'd like to taste a bit of my feast, I invite you to give this a try:

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground and your spine straight. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly.

Take ten slow deep breaths, and just notice what you sense. Take your time.

Notice what moves. Notice the temperature of the air coming in your nose and out of your mouth. What tension can you release as you exhale?

Wishing you the good of slowness in the midst of all that would rush us onward.

Wendy Lew Toda

I create at the intersection of grief and joy.

Art • Poetry • Coaching • Facilitation

Turn Pain into Prayer


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