Title: “Joy: Advent”, Part of the Tabiji Eggshell collection. “Tabiji” means “journey through” in Japanese.
Media: eggshell, acrylic paint, thread
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Joy leads to gratitude…which leads to joy…which leads to gratitude. They go together. It’s an upward spiral that unexpectedly fills and expands our hearts. Sometimes it comes in the form of sheer delight that wells up in us, much to our surprise. It can also drop an anchor to ever-deeper places in the sea of our souls, grounding us and giving us strength.
And it doesn’t just happen when things are going well. It happens in darker times too, in a grittier, more robust and lasting way.
It’s the kind nurse in ER.
It’s the friend at the door bringing dinner when we’re sick at home.
It’s the people who sit and cry with us as we grieve.
These are treasures in the dark.
We can learn to see them in the many ways they come to us - to train the eyes of our spirit to be attuned to gratitude. It’s a helpful practice, especially in times when it looks like there’s not a lot to be thankful for. I am not suggesting hiding from reality or sugarcoating it, but facing into it knowing there are gifts to be found, even in the seasons of night. The joy built here is of a serious, quieter flavor. It’s rooted in a decision to keep looking for things to be grateful for - not as denial, or as a spiritual happy happy veneer - it’s simply the astonishing grace of receiving something good we had no hand in creating or controlling.
Joy comes unbidden, with a warm smile, waiting to be noticed and welcomed. Can you see it?