Help One Child’s Mother’s Day Brunch
What an honor to lead a color workshop about rest for the foster, adoptive and kinship mothers served by Help One Child. This is a tough crowd as far as rest goes! These moms are always “on”, devoting way beyond regular parenting levels of attention and energy. It is part of partnering in the healing process of children with traumatic histories, which holds both joys and challenges.
"Wendy created a safe, non-judgmental place where the foster and adoptive mothers we serve could explore their feelings and emotions through the medium of color. She led a creative process that was healing and restorative. Many of the women are now looking for more ways to integrate art-making into their own growth, expression, and self-care."
Rachel Taylor, Director of Education and Connection, Help One Child
Inviting the moms to hold their color creations, to be aware of their own gentle carefulness in doing so….and to know that in the midst of their challenges, they too are held with gentleness and care.